Mangrove forests, which grow in the coastal wetlands of the tropics and sub-tropics, provide essential ecosystem services to humans, ranging from the mitigation of shoreline erosion, to housing nurseries for commercially important fish & shellfish, and by filtering pollutants from land-based runoff. Despite the protective role they play, mangroves worldwide have experienced significant decline, driven […]
Douglas Shoemaker, director of research and outreach at the Center for Applied GIScience, was featured in a WBTV segment February 2 talking about a recent study that measured the loss of Charlotte’s signature tree canopy. In his interview with Jamie Boll, originally recorded in 2020, Doug remarks on his surprise regarding the magnitude of canopy loss, […]

GIS Day 2023 will celebrate innovative applications of geographic information system (GIS) technology in analysis, visualization, gaining insights into geospatial data, and thought leadership across Campus. All events are free to attend. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Vivek Shandas from Portland State University to speak about Urban Heat Islands, and specifically how decision-makers can […]
Stormwater management is an essential urban infrastructure as it helps protects people and property from flooding, improves water quality, and reduces the risk of infrastructure damage. However, stormwater pipeline networks that create these services are complex underground systems that require regular inspection to guide maintenance and maintain integrity. Because the pipeline systems are underground, accurately […]
July 6, 2023: Charlotte’s Division of Research has funded a new initiative within the Center for Applied GIScience designed to accelerate conceptualization and development of research leveraging emerging geospatial technologies and analytics. GeoSAN, or the Geospatial Sensing and ANalytics initiative, is the conception of Drs. Wenwu Tang (GEOG, CAGIS) and Shen-en Chen (CEE), with contributions […]

November 16th is GIS Day at UNC Charlotte which will include a number of talks and activities.

Update: recording of this talk is avaliable at the CAGIS YouTube Channel: Please join us Thursday, November 3rd at 1:00 to learn more how “place” explicitly influences an individual’s exposure to air pollution. For this Virtual Seminar we will be hearing Dr. Yoo Min Park discuss her study: Personal exposure monitoring using GPS-enabled portable […]

Update: A recording of this presentation is avaliable at the CAGIS YouTube Channel: Our upcoming CAGIS Seminar features a practical application of existing technologies to generate novel ways of mapping human activity. On Thursday, October 20th at 2:30*, Charlotte Assistant Professor Lei Zhu will present: Wi-Fi Log Data Processing and Spatial-temporal Analysis for Exploring […]

Our first CAGIS Virtual Seminar of the year is being held in cooperation with the Geography and Earth Science’s Speaker Series on September 9, and the topic couldn’t be more timely. I invite you to attend a Zoom presentation by Dr. Dexter Locke of the USDA Forest Service entitled Urban Forestry and Environmental Injustice: Past, […]

Dr. Stephanie F. Potochnick, Department of Sociology, Charlotte presents highlights from two different projects, both of which focus on advancing young (age 0-5) Latino children’s overall well-being. Do Immigration Raids Deter Head Start Enrollment? (Robert Santillano, Stephanie Potochnick, and Jade M. Jenkins) Using geographic variation in immigration raids, we investigated their deterrence effect on Hispanic […]

Please join us on Friday, April 1,for a joint GES Speaker Series/CAGIS Virtual Seminar that highlights a key research horizon representing both a barrier and an opportunity: examinations of Hybrid Physical-Virtual Worlds, aka “The Metaverse.” A Space-Place GIScience Framework for Human Dynamics Research in a Hybrid Physical-Virtual World We recruited Dr. Shih-Lung Shaw for this […]

02/09/2022 CAGIS researchers have been awarded new funding from Mecklenburg County Health Department to help monitor the progress of COVID-19. The funded project is entitled “Analyzing samples of COVID-19 within Mecklenburg County”. Along with Drs. Cynthia Gibas, Jessica Schlueter, and Kevin Lambirth (all Bioinformatics), the project will focus on the sequencing and analysis of COVID-19 […]

02/04/2022 Executive Director Wenwu Tang announced today that the Center for Applied Geographich Science (CAGIS) will receive substaintial funding from NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to explore new ways to streamline roadway maintence and safety sign using computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI). The research group, consisting of Dr. Don Chen (Engineering Technology and Construction […]

Director of research and outreach Douglas Shoemaker was recently featured in the Charlotte Observer’s multipart story on tree canopy loss in the City. Despite a canopy coverage exceeding the national average, Charlotte has been losing more than 3 football fields of forest per day since 2012. The region remains a real estate draw for its […]

12/15/2021 Update: WSOC just ran a segment on our efforts to reach private well owners in Gaston County. See the coverage at: 11/16/2021 (Charlotte) A CAGIS-based team of researchers and students will work with residents and county health officials to boost the number of people doing tests regularly and improve the sharing of data. […]

Our CAGIS Virtual Seminar Presentation with Yuri Potawsky in now up on our YouTube channel. Yuri Potawsky is a Solution Engineer at Esri who focuses on providing local governments the tools and support they need to successfully use GIS technology. After completing a master’s degree in Geography at Appalachian State he moved to Washington, D.C. […]

Please join us this Thursday when Dr. Stephanie Pilkington discusses the proposed “Hurricane Impact Level Ranking System.” Dr. Pilkington is an Assistant Professor in Construction and Building Engineering here at Charlotte,. She is also a collaborator in our R1 nomination, “Geospatial Analytics for Healthy & Resilient Urban Systems” as well as a Lead PI for […]

October, 2021. Due to popular demand, we have begun recording and sharing presentations that are part of the CAGIS Virtual Seminar Series. If you miss a speaker or topic of interest, please check here. Like and Subscribe!
Call for paper: Special issue of Sustainability (09-26-2018)