CAGIS to Co-Host Smart City Summit “Technology for Good” October 9th

We cordially invite you to attend Technology for Good: Jobs, Mobility and Smart + Connected Tech for Greater Charlotte Summit to be held on October 9th at UNC Charlotte’s Center City Building in Uptown. In cooperation with the Center for Applied GIScience (CAGIS), our NSF Smart and Connected Communities Team has created a summit and workshop geared toward generating collaborative research around “Smart Cities” topics for a broad range of academics, not just engineers and computer scientists (we love them too!). This first of four annual events intends to introduce researchers curious about the emerging “New Science of Cities” with representatives from Charlotte metro area, as well as local entrepreneurs focused on using next-generation technology to generate social benefits. The day is organized on a model that moves from broad and inspirational in the morning, to a deep dive in the afternoon.